It supports almost any Android device, starting from android version 1.6. NOTICE: YOU MUST HAVE A VALID 128KB MAC PLUS ROM FILE IN ORDER TO USE THIS APPLICATION! This is a port of the Mini vMac emulator for the Android platform. This site is created by TechBuzz Shreyan and it can be used for Mini vMac emaculator to download many ROM, MVMAC games, Apps and much more.
There are many other possible variations, emulating other Macintosh models, other screen sizes, using other languages for the user interface, and much more. To insert disk images, swipe left with two fingers and the list of disks will appear. You can import the ROM (vMac.ROM) and disk images (with.dsk or.img extension) into Mini vMac from other apps (iCloud Storage, Dropbox, etc), using AirDrop, or via iTunes File Sharing.